Friday, July 29, 2005

Gyroscopes comfirmed!...?

An agreement between Nintendo and gyroscope company Gyration has been found ( The agreement was made around the same time as the release of the nintendo Gamecube, so that means there is a (very) good chance that the anticipated gyroscopes on the Revolution's controllers will be there.

From the page...

"Gyration intends to be the first company to produce game controllers enhanced with gyroscopic motion-sensors, which have a tenfold performance increase over accelerometer tilt sensors and add the ability to sense yaw as well as pitch. A gyro-equipped, motion-sensing controller provides a natural method of game control that draws the player into the game and makes game play more enjoyable. The motion sensor can take the place of a typical thumb pressure pad allowing one-handed game play, or can be integrated into a two-handed controller to add a dimension to game playing not possible with traditional game controllers."

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