Koffdrop On Revolution 2
Well, after reading your replies from the last post, I've decided to cease replying to your article. I've spent 2 hours attempting you inform you the truth on Nintendo/Revolution, and yet I doubt you've even read all of it. So I won't bother, continue ranting on with you anti Nintendo articles on your site, and I shall return to informing gamers of Revolution and other Nintendo news.
But before I stop, please take the time to read this article:
For anyone else who's been put down by reading some of Koffdrop's articles, the link above will be sure to cheer you up. Koffdrop, although it is true that I would prefer to hear positive news about Nintendo over some of your rants, the points given in the above article are actual fact. Please consider them before you pay the article/me/Nintendo out again :).
Also, I have posted your article on Digital Share forums, and some other members have replied sharing similar views to mine:
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
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"I've spent 2 hours attempting you inform you the truth on Nintendo/Revolution"
With all due respect, there's nothing you can do to 'inform me about the truth'.
You cannot provide me with information I don't already have (assuming, of course, you're not Iwata). What you call information I regard as biased propaganda.
This is PRECISELY what I mean about being objective. See things as they ARE not was you like to see them. By suggesting I read a pro-Nintendo article in the hope of enlightening me you're just digging yourself a deeper hole by showing me that you simply cannot counter any of my points without grabbing some pro-Nintendo blurb.
What's sad is that, by attempting to get me to 'see the light' you can't appreciate that it's you who is in the dark.
The fact I can be criticised for enjoying a golf game is laughable. Is this really what stands as a mature way to address the points I raise - or is it just some kid taking a cheap shot?
And your disgruntlement at my Katamario article shows incredible ignorance and arrogance considering the tantrum you throw against Baitohel 2000 - both of which are responsible for the same crimes. You're basically saying it's ok to rant against Sony but it's wrong to rant against Nintendo!
How can you expect to be taken seriously when you behave in such a one-sided manner?
"you're just digging yourself a deeper hole by showing me that you simply cannot counter any of my points"
Sir, I've made plenty of points countering yours in previous posts, one the other hand I have not seen you counter a SINGLE point I have made in those posts...
"without grabbing some pro-Nintendo blurb."
There is nothing wrong with reading a positive article on Nintendo, expecially since the points they give are raw facts. I read pro Sony articles too.
"The fact I can be criticised for enjoying a golf game is laughable. Is this really what stands as a mature way to address the points I raise - or is it just some kid taking a cheap shot?"
Well, I'm a kid and am taking a cheap shot. But also, it is irnoic that you dislike Nintendo, when it has the best 1st party game titles of any company, including the top 3 games of all time (according to IGN's top 100). 1st was Zelda: O-O-T, second place was RE 4 and Mario Duluxe in third. My point is,I cannot see how a golf game can be more entertaining than say... RE4, or SSBM. Soyy, but that is MHO.
"And your disgruntlement at my Katamario article shows incredible ignorance and arrogance considering the tantrum you throw against Baitohel 2000 - both of which are responsible for the same crimes. You're basically saying it's ok to rant against Sony but it's wrong to rant against Nintendo!"
Your animation was a mockup, probably made by some unknown fanboy! Baitohel 2000 is FIRST PARTY PSP game. Sure there are fanboys paying out each other from both Ninty and Sony, but when you see it from Sony themselves it's a different story. The two cannot be compared.
"You cannot provide me with information I don't already have"
You have all the info, it is just that you seem to be ignorant against Nintendo. You continue to praise the Playstation, without providing a single point to back your claims, and pay out Nintendo (nothing wrong with that as most of your points are true, but you do seem to be a little one sided). I know of Ninty's flaws. They are far from being perect. They've let me down many times (eg: Virtual Boy, Micro pricing, Revolution's late release).
Oh Koffdrop! tsk...tsk...tsk...
You said "I don’t bleat with the rest of the herd"
Well that is wrong, because you do. You don't appreciate Nintendo's achievements. See the current trend is, if you dont own a playstation or xbox, you're not cool, and that's where you bleat with the rest of the herd, you want to show that you're cool and to do that, you tell people that Nintendo is not cool. You're being one-sided here man!
Let's talk about rumble pak, true the technology was available in the arcades, but it was Nintendo who innovated (gaming with rumble pak). Now innovation doesn't mean that you were the first one to introduce it or patent it, it means to do something in a new way, look it up!
Let's talk about DS and Revolution now, you said "The thing about that machine is that, like the DS, it’s not aimed at gamers like me".
Gamers are gamers, they will play games on any system, hardcore gamers care about the games, they too will play games (its biased people like you that affects their decision), but Nintendo will also entice the non-gamers.
You and countless others biased, one-sided people pin down Nintendo's first party games as being kiddy or bad, but the fact of the matter is that you want Nintendo to become a 3rd party so that you can enjoy Nintendo's games like zelda, mario, starfox,metroid and many others on playstation and xbox and still show that you're cool!
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