Monday, October 31, 2005

Viva La Nintendo

In a recent inerview with Meristation, Jim Merrick reveals some new information regarding the Nintendo Revolution. Firstly, he has confirmed that the Wi-Fi USB adaptor for online DS will also be compatible with the Revolution. It has the ability to turn a home computer into an instant wireless hotspot. So to play online games with the Revolution, simply plug the adaptor into your USB port, connect to the net, then set up the connection on the console.

The next bit of news is the Revolution's ability to download games fro mall regions. This basically means that us gamers in Australia will have access to the many "Japan only" game titles for download :D. Did you know that many Nintendo games never make it outside of Japan?

Merrick has also mentioned a "single pak" play for Revolution games. I would assume he means that only one console owner is required to own a game to verse another online or through a LAN connection, similar to multiplayer on the DS.

Here is the killer. Jim Merrick has stated that games played on the Revolution will have no significant graphical difference compared to other next generation systems. So the Revolution, in addition to price and innovative controller, will also offer great "on par" graphics. Very nice indeed.

The last thing he mentioned was that no Revolution games will be shown in 2005. This basically takes away all hope of some Mario 128 footage any time soon, I guess Ninty plan on torturing us a little longer :P.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget the killer games nintendo are releasing at launch :)

Anonymous said...

Nice Blog Darkenedjib, good info, this is promising. Keep up the good work

CK said...

I guess that's thanks to whoever gave Nintendo its kiddie image :(...

Btw, thanks for replying guys!

Anonymous said...

No SIGNIFICANT difference in graphics... how is that possible when Ninty aren't supporting HD in their console?

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