Monday, September 19, 2005

When Will This Happen?

This is just a simple mockup of a Sony controller, posted by a member at Digital Share (check links). I guess it was intended as a joke, but I believe something similar WILL happen in the future. There is no doubt, maybe if not by Sony then Microsoft, that Nintendo's newest ideas will be copied. This was the reason why they were so secretive about the Revolution. At least for this round, it will be difficult for Sony/MS to incorporate gyroscopic features into their own controllers.

This has always been the case. Sony has always copied Nintendo's ideas. First it was Nintendo's design of a CD console, then a control stick, followed by a rumble pak. All Nintendo's ideas, stolen. Sony has never been bright enough to come up with their own innovations. Their best achievement was probably the i Toy, which is amusing, but nothing to push the gaming industry forward.

So basically, and ironically, Sony needs Nintendo. Without Nintendo, their gaming division wouldn't EXIST.


Anonymous said...

The sony bastards... I didn't realise they didn't create the ps1 until now...

CK said...

The D pad, control stick and rumble pak were also Nintendo's ideas they used for PSX and 1.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You've already bashed them enough, but I'll do some more. Sony did NOT create the Eyetoy, according to my sources. From what I heard,at E3 or Spaceworld, Nintendo showed the Gameye, and BAM! 6 months later, Sony Eyetoy. Nintendo didn't release it because that though people would think they stole it from Sony. I suggest you do more research before trusting me, though.

CK said...

Wow, that was new to me, thanks for the info :).

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that sony also stole the shoulder buttons from the SNES!

CK said...

OMG... Sony...

(thanks for telling me)

Anonymous said...

That fake controller looks like a sony ps remote control screwing a ps controller and got stuck half way