Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Another IGN TGS Article

Link to the full article:

Basically, here IGN are speculating on what the Nintendo President will reveal on the Revolution during his 50 minute speech at the Tokyo Game Show. There isn't much news on the controller, except that IGN claims it will "come up" during the speech. A tech demo, ingame footage, a list of specs or even a release date and price are unlikely to be announced though.

Nintendo did promise to reveal every detail regarding the Revolution by the end of this year, IMHO the TGS is the perfect place to unveil after e3. There they will be able to capture the most attention from the media.

But sadly, the Tokyo Game Show is unknown to most gamers who live in the United States, Europe or Australia. I still believe that it was a mistake for Nintendo to miss unveiling the Revolution at this years e3. but perhaps it is better this way, Nintendo are still going by their "trojan horse" marketing.

Off topic, just last week a Sony fanboy came up to me and asked if I was going to purchase a PS3. When I replied with "Heck No" - (polite version of what I said :D), he told me that Nintendo weren't producing a next generation console, lol. Boy, will he be suprised when I am playing Smash Bros online using the Revolutionary controller, and he is still saving up for a PS3 :D.

T minus 2, the Revolution is coming...
Iwata: "When you see it, you will be excited, because you will experience a gaming revolution".


Anonymous said...
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CK said...

... more ads?

Anonymous said...

2 days left, I can't wait!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anything new for the Rev is more than welcome, but i will be dissapointed if they dont show at least 1 game trailer !

CK said...

Thanks for all the comments guys! :D

1 day and 18 hours left...

CK said...

I agree, or they could be mysterious and show a video that doesn't tell you anything, like at Leipzig.
I will personally suicide if that happens :).

Anonymous said...

Looks like this is it, and only 20 hours to go!

Anonymous said...

2 hours to go!!!
This suspense is killing me!!!

CK said...

lol, sorry to disappoint you but it's 4 hours. Check the timer at the top of Falefakid's blog :).