Sunday, September 04, 2005

Reality Check

Firstly, I'd just like to announce that this is the 50th post I've made for this N-gamers blog. Thanks to everyone who's paid a visit, I will keep this blog running until the Revolution is fully unveiled.

The most recent sales statistics from Japan show a slight decline I DS sales, mainly due to the end of the rush for Jump Superstars. This week, even Work Your Brain for the Nintendo DS sold high than Shogen Jump' anime style smash bros game. Here is a chart from for the latest hardware figures:

You'll notice that the DS dropped from 51% to 48% of total sales. This is normal as most people who wished to buy Jump Superstars would have purchased a DS already. Nintendo fans do not need to worry. From above, Nintendo is still holding a strong 60% of total market share, and in the U.S, Nintendogs is helping the DS outsell the PSP, and the GBA SP helps widen the gap. Also, the GB Micro will be released later this month for Japan and the States. Nintendo will gain even more of the market, the PSP will be pushed to a corner of handheld sales.

Since the PSP has been released for a few days now in Australia, I shall continue posting other Nintendo news, the 10 part DS verses PSP ends here. I hope I have been convincing enough :).


Anonymous said...

I wonder what happened to Jump Superstars? It sold like hell for a week then dropped to second?

By the way, I have the game and it's great!!

CK said...

Hi, I also own the game and it's awesome! If only the single pak vs play had more characters... -_-.