Saturday, October 29, 2005

Comparing Graphics: Gamecube VS PS2

Besides from loading times, does the PS2 version of Resident Evil 4 offer anything more than the popular Gamecube title? Thanks to
Gladiator's post on Digital Share, there is a Korean gaming site which has a page comparing the graphics using ingame footage of RE4. Here is one comparison:

It may be hard to see much difference with the small images above, but the top image is taken from the PS2 verion, and Gamecube below. The Gamecube version has slightly better lighting (you can see further into the distance), and Leon appears a little smoother. But the PS2 graphics aren't bad at all, considering it has half the processing power as the Gamecube and can only produce 7 million polygons (Gamecube 15, Xbox 17).

For heaps more screenshot comparisons please click here.


Anonymous said...

PS2 can't compare, many screenshots are much darker in the PS2 ones...

Anonymous said...

Good to see that the blog is back in action.