Monday, October 03, 2005

GB Micro Sales Slow Down
Source: Nintendo Insider

(article by Johnathan Coley of Nintendo Insider)

Sales went back to normal during the week of September 19th through 25th in Japan, after a very strong week led by the new Game Boy Micro the week before.

Despite Nintendo's new handheld being only two weeks old, Nintendo DS was already back on top with 68,123 sales. Thanks to two PSP titles in the top ten, PSP had another unusually strong week, landing at #2 with 50,629 sales. And the GBM dropped from 170,000 sales to 46,529 sales to be in 3rd place.

The top three titles this week were all released during Sept. 12th through 18th -- Bandai's Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop! for DS at #1 (55,154 sales), Koei's Dynasty Warriors 5: Mosho Den for PS2 at #2 (53,631) and Nintendo's Famicom Mini: Super Mario Bros. (20th Anniversary version) for Game Boy Advance at #3 (50,565).

Konami's new Rhapsodia for PlayStation 2 arrived at #4 with 42,696 sales, while the ever popular May 19th DS release, DS Training For Adults: Work Your Brain from Nintendo, stayed on at #5 with 39,298 sales. Two PSP titles managed to make the top 10 this week -- Bandai's new Gundam Battle Tactics at #6 with 37,340 sales, and Konami's release from the previous week, World Soccer Winning Eleven 9: Ubiquitous Evolution, was at #7 with 28,657 sales.

Rounding out the top 10 were Banpresto's Super Robot Wars J for GBA at #8 (September 15th, 28,325), Nintendo's Gentle Brain Exercises for DS at #9 (June 30th, 25,457) and Koei's Harukanaru Toki no Nakade 3: Izayoiki for PS2 at #10 (new, 21,028).

Link to the original article:


Anonymous said...
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CK said...


Anonymous said...

Oh look! GB micro is still selling without eating away the markets of the DS, GBA SP, or the classic GBA.

Whoa Nintendo sure knows its business and its games.

CK said...

Agreed, the Micro really does seem to be aimed at a different gaming audience to Nintendo's other consoles. But sadly Gamecube sales have slumped a bit.

Anonymous said...

The problem with gamecube is just that they don't have games that features a light gun or a steering wheel. They should also create a new mario kart with their own steering wheel and pedal and a special button just to use the power ups.

CK said...

Not to be criticising or anything, but they do have just that. Remember to when Mario Kart Double Dash was about to be released. EB games had a special offer, if you pre-ordered the game you could pay $10 extra and get a free* steering wheel, made by Logitech.

Here;s a pic of the wheel:

(note: long link, highlight the "empty" line under the link to capture full url)

Here are some other wheels available for racing titles on the gamecube:

(another long link)

Darkenedjib :D:D

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